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  • BONES are not made of calcium (and other conspiracies)

BONES are not made of calcium (and other conspiracies)

Learning this information will change your life (and your kid's)

6 minutes read

Good morning everybody and welcome back to Panacea, the newsletter that like the Genie from Aladdin brings you phenomenal cosmic powers in a itty bitty living space.

I hope you are having a fantastic week. What a better way to start the weekend than with some practical knowledge.

Today we are talking about BONES

The reason being, last week I got punched in the face by a stranger in a car park. He first reversed on me (his car got damaged and mine did not) came out from his car with a friend yelling and asking for

insurance, money, kicked my car and after I looked away for cameras, he punched me straight into the cheek bone.

Nothing to say about the punch, it was a great one and it did deliver: today I will not give you a 101 on Krav Maga and defence techniques though but I will lay down a step by step approach you can follow to make your bones healthier, stronger and show you what to remove from your diet and environment that might currently be damaging them.



I met a lot of dentists in my life.
NONE of them ever told me what you will read here.

Which brings me to the next observation: the moment I show you the data to confirm the above, you will realise that all the narrative conducted and nurtured over the last decades had just one purpose in mind: Make money regardless of our health declining.

You can spot ANY demographic in the ads

  • The above campaign was created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board, launched in 1993

  • It involved more than 300 celebrities, including big names like Michael Jordan and Beyoncé

  • The cost of the advertising is estimated to be over $110 million

  • The result was a 7% increase in milk sales in California in the first year

  • It was first targeting California's population, later nationwide; recognized globally

  • The campaign ran for more than 20 years, with the milk moustache ads ending in 2014

    Marketing is storytelling. Good marketing is like the Force: You can be in flow with it like a Jedi or be seduced by its dark powers and seduce others with it, like a Sith would.

What are BONES made of?

Bones are made of 12 Minerals and 64 Trace elements:

These are the minerals:

  • Boron

  • Calcium

  • Chromium

  • Silica

  • Selenium

  • Sulfur

  • Potassium

  • Phosphorus

  • Magnesium

  • Manganese

  • Zinc

Where can you find all these minerals in nature?

Seawater: it contains 92 minerals which we get the final product in the form of salt.

But not all salt are made equal: the problem with us humans is that we take something perfect and we change it for the purpose of comfort, usually with a price to pay.

First, the good raw salts:

  • Himalayan Salt: it contains 75 minerals

  • Celtic Salt: it contains 82 minerals and it feels moist (hand harvested)

  • Table Salt: like teachers were telling my parents during school meetings, he’s a good kid, but he can do better.

    Table salt is the byproduct of the first crystals that form from seawater: in seawater 30% of the minerals is sodium and 50% of the minerals are chlorideSodium chloride is then what come up first in the form of crystals. The process from here is a very harmful shortcut: those crystals are harvestedbleached white→added aluminium to it and now you have running salt.

    Few problems here:

  • aluminium has been connected to Alzheimer and other mental problems

  • the table salt has been demineralised and by tasting the salt our body thinks it’s getting the minerals, which is not, which causes a mineral imbalance (the sodium potassium pump I talked about in the previous mails) which results in high blood pressure. Cheap is seldom better.

    Celtic salt should be in every kitchen (I imagined Poseidon here)

    Where else can you get the minerals?

  • My favourite vegetables in the world: dark leafy greens (eat you kale y’all).

  • Vitamin D: pay attention now → the UVB rays hit the skin and they

    convert a form of cholesterol present under your skin into vitamin D and vitamin D is essential for the assimilation of calcium.

    Now calcium does the heavy lifting transporting all the other minerals with itosteoporosis can result from lacking vitamin D production (and absorption) through life.


  • Showering with soap (it washes the Vitamin D away): your skin is producing some oil when you sunbathe → washing away that oil with chemicals prevents the absorption of vitamin D

  • Suncream: it creates a block in between the sun and the screen UVB cannot go through → the Solution: sunbathe 10 mins front, 10 mins back then move to the shade (also, look at the chemicals inside suncream).

  • Chlorinated pool: it will disrupt your absorption of vitamin D. On the contrary, bathing in a river, lake or sea will not.

    What leeches the minerals & weakens the bones?

  • Sugar: I am talking about the refined one. Sugar goes in, minerals come out. Just my two cents next time you are presented with that black forest cake.

  • Caffeine: big abuser for 5+ years here. Then one day I stopped and never looked back. Caffeine is especially harmful to magnesium and calcium, plus it dehydrates you.

  • Alcohol: the worst poison ever created/the best marketing ever perpetrated.

    These are all poisons and what poisons do is they harm the body, so the body uses minerals to calm the body down so that they don't totally kill you.

    I think of my body like something other than my conscience, like a vessel I’m only renting and I am in a relationship with: when you eat in fact, it’s not your stomach digesting the food → gut bacteria does it and then your stomach absorbs the nutrients.

    If your bacterias won’t like the food, your stomach will definitely not enjoy processing it. You can apply this thought to any beneficial and harmful action you take towards your body:

    ‘Am I working for the relationship, or against it?’

    This doesn’t come from a place of patronising, but from a place of experience and naiveté, with a lot of trial and error involved.

  • Cow’s Milk: Imagine drinking a glass of milk. Full of calcium right?

    As soon as it enters your body 58% is burned as fuel and the remaining 42% is now acid waste entering the body.

    The most alkaline mineral in the body is calcium → when something acidic enters into the body, the body uses the calcium to negate that sulfur residue → leaving 0 calcium for us.

    There is a direct connection between the countries in the world with the highest cow's milk consumption and the highest incidence of osteoporosis.

To all my friends that for years have tried talk me out of vegeterianism first and veganism after: what animal has the highest bone formation on its face?

Elephants, yes. And what do they eat? Got you.

  • Diet: when someone is on a high acid diet, that causes the alkaline calcium to be taken out of the bones to neutralise that the high acid. Make this information second nature.

    70/80% of your diet should be based on Alkaline food

    The remaining 20/30% could be acidic
    (from natural unprocessed food just in case you now think it’s ok to eat McDonald or nutella on cheat days because moderation)

  • Drugs: we live in a world of shortcuts where people take pills to cure symptoms as fast as they can instead of investing the time to learn how their body works.

    Many medications contain cortisone → the moment cortisone enters your body it depletes your own natural cortisone which your adrenal gland produce so by taking the shortcut, your cortisone can deplete your adrenal glands.

    A clear indication that the bones are weakening comes from the only exposed bones in the body → TEETH

    What most kids have for breakfast? Coco pops and milk anyone?

    Fruit will help you to integrate most nutrients in the morning but if you have inflammation in your body like a fungi (tinea’s foot/candida) fruit will feed the parasite (bread and other sugary processed things will have the same effect).

The solution → starve IT to death

Habits that improve BONE’s health

  • Lifting weights

  • Defying gravity (rebounding aka trampoline)

15 mins recipe

This is what I had this (late) morning (fruit free):

  • Quinoa (millet as a replacement)

  • Carrots sliced (cooked carrots taste sweet with certain spices)

  • Tuscan cabbage (cut fine)

  • Sweet paprika/Maroccan spice/ Cayenne pepper/ a touch of korma

  • A touch of celtic salt

  • Vegan Coconut based yogurt

  • Brussel sprouts (boiled)

  • Mix all together

    I hope you will benefit from this information and if you try the recipe, let me know how it was.

    Have a great weekend,
