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- Is Your COUNTRY Making You Sick?
Is Your COUNTRY Making You Sick?
Health is a matter of LOCATION
Although I lived in Australia for 14 years,
I was born and raised in one of the greatest country in the world when it comes to food.
(you can whine all you want but you know it to be true)
And more specifically Emilia Romagna, the region comprising of Bologna (the first University in the world y’all, Ducati, Lamborghini and tortellini)
Modena (balsamic vinegar and Ferrari)
And Rimini, home to Federico Fellini, Piadina and Crescione (the best artisanal fast food you will try in your life) and Giorgio Rosa glorious stunt, an engineer that built the Island of the Roses (a platform for which he asked independency from Italy creating a political turmoil in 1968, watch the movie on Netflix, revolution at its finest) off the coast of Rimini, and some great beaches.
This is what you get in a 84 km radius:

Then I found out that all that taste comes with a price:
Many years ago, when I still thought Doctors are health workers with your best interest in mind and Governments are public institutions working in favour of its citizens, I had a date with a woman from my region that used to work at one of the major centres of Cancer research in California.
And unfortunately she told me that the diet in my region, Emilia Romagna, is one of the most carcinogenic in the world → reason being, we cook everything for looong:
Ragú for example (aka bolognese sauce) cooks for a staggering average of 4 to 6 hours. The meat might not turn black but the cells the recipe is made of get excited a little too much and become carcinogenic.
This is not meant to ruin pasta or lasagne for you, just to put things in perspective and to feed you with awareness.
Because if one of the greatest diets still comes with hazards, how bad is a bad diet for you?
Not that S.A.D again!
Sad stands for Standard American Diet and regardless of what most of you might think, it is not limited just to the American ground:
‘The standard American diet, characterized by high consumption of processed foods, red meats, sugary beverages, refined grains, and high-fat dairy products, leads to increased risks of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.’
Rings a bell?
It does not matter what’s your age, sex or ethnicity.
Even what you might know is not enough, after all there are obese doctors out there.
Your location is what matters more than anything else.
‘In Uganda, a country of millions in Eastern Africa, coronary heart disease was described as “almost non existent”.
But were the people of these nations simply dying early of other diseases, never living long enough to come down with heart disease?
The doctors compared autopsies of Ugandans to autopsies of Americans who had died at the same age.
The researchers found that out of 632 people autopsied in Saint Louis, Missouri, there had been 136 heart attacks. But in 632 age-matched Ugandans? A single heart attack.
The Ugandans experienced more than one hundred times fewer heart attacks than the Americans.
The doctors were so blown away that they examined another 800 deaths in Uganda. Out of more than 1,400 Ugandans autopsied, researchers found just one body with a small, healed lesion of the heart, meaning the attack wasn't even fatal.
Then and now, in the industrialized world, heart disease is a leading killer. In central Africa, heart disease was so rare it killed fewer than one in a thousand.
Immigration studies show that this resistance to heart disease is not just something in the Africans' genes.
When people move from low-risk to high-risk areas, their disease rates skyrocket as they adopt the diet and lifestyle habits of their new homes.
The extraordinarily low rates of heart disease in rural China and Africa have been attributed to the extraordinarily low cholesterol levels among these populations. Though Chinese and African diets are very different, they share commonalities: They are both centered on plant-derived foods, such as grains and vegetables.’
What you read above is not a sleazy attempt to sell you into a tastless protein deficient diet (I heard these concerns a lot), rather to give you a glimpse on studies of decades and many hundred thousands of people on how certain foods and lifestyle impact your life and no institution tells us about.
And why should they? Have you ever heard of the broccoli lobby? The kale cartel? The turmeric corporation.
All I share with you is perspective, food for thoughts, not a dogma.
And there will be way more coming since my passion for health, food and freedom is not going anywhere.
And if freedom might be confusing for you, I mean freedom in your body and life cycle: the mainstream narrative is that you might age full of disease and you should expect to have this or that. It’s expected.
In Italy the average age is 82.30 years for men and 86.27 for women.
My grandpa died at 101 with full cognitive capabilities but unable to move his legs. He never exercised much to be fair.
You can age gracefully in health and strength if you know what you are doing and even better, you can transfer that knowledge, skills and habits to other generations.
Any aspect of your health → IMPROVED - from eating to sleep to longevity, immune system and everything around it.
Just by fixing your medicine. Food.
How would this change the direction of your life?
I want to help you.
I am looking for 10 people to help me create a system that anyone, regardless of their age and location, can use to improve their health and create a long lasting thriving body that can take you to 101 years old and beyond.
What I offer until those 10 slots have been filled is a discounted price for a 4 weeks program taking place on a weekly 1:1 live call happening weekly so that I get to help you specifically to your needs.