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Decoding Sexuality: Practical Lessons from Renaissance to Modern Times
The Must-Read Books, Tools and the Platform to Completely Change THIS Area of Your Life
8 minutes read
Welcome back to Panacea. It has been a while since some quality content reached this newsletter.
Christmas is approaching faster than the creatures from A quiet Place:
That means presents and if you don’t want to be like a parent showing up at an EB Games shop the day before Christmas or having to act as a last minute Black Friday Looter, you might want to read till the end.
There will be some present ideas for your besties and partners (not affiliate links, I wish).

I’ve seen more verbal abuses working one Christmas eve in an EB Games shop than a fines collector on a sunny sunday afternoon
Fresh NEWS: Well, 1 day old, but like a pizza the day after, still good.
We are back in Perth and we are settling down for few months!
I feel like Ulysses reaching the shores of Ithaca. It hasn’t been 10 years, just 11 months but filled with daily adventures and challenges.
In the last 8 days we covered more than 4000km (22,000 in total) driving from the Blue mountains back to Perth, crossing 2 borders and successfully being fined crossing the one from Victoria to South Australia for failing to recognise multiple warning signs.

That said, this newsletter will now continue to its weekly publication.
Today’s edition is about something as important as food, water, shelter, the sense of wellbeing and belonging we all cultivate in life and remembering to pay for a Netflix subscription (I hijacked mine from an ex turned into friend for 2+ years, so I wouldn’t know. Thank You, Love you).
We grow up whispering and giggling about IT and treating it as a taboo to not talk about as we grow up, but it goes hand in hand with our self identity, self worth and the health of the relationship we share with our body and with our partner/s.
Disclosure: the following newsletter is NOT P.G. 13, so you can comfortably read it in the library, public transport and in the office, pretending you are reading the news about the stock market (or any other relevant topic of your choice).

I will share everything I learnt over the years (including books and resources) you will be able to apply to your life immediately. It will be worth the read.
It’s 1559. It’s the core of Renaissance and in Italy there is a trend of dissecting bodies to understand how the human body works, with Leonardo DaVinci operating as a frontline independent renegade sneaking into the Vatican’s mortuary to dissect bodies and make drawings of the human’s anatomy.

In this time of discovery a man named Renaldo Colombo (an anatomist of the time) is set to change the way women are looked at (at this time the idea of women was of an angelic asexual being). Renaldo claimed to have discovered the clitoris, describing it as a previously unknown anatomical structure.
Although there are no clear information supporting this, I like to think about the event as a breakthrough that was disregarded for few hundred years till today (since most men still struggle to locate the elusive organ) and was seen by the Christian Church as something as threatening as Giordano Bruno’s claims on the universe (infinite and that it contained an infinite number of worlds according to him) directly contradicting the geocentric model that was supported by the Church at the time.

Giordano Bruno’s claims met a lot of resistance with the Vatican
At this time another anatomist (Gabriele Falloppio → yes, the Fallopian tubes are named after him) disputed Colombo's claim, insisting that he was the true discoverer.
Renaldo’s name was lost in time and after more than 400+ years the average man is still clueless about the clitoris position or needs.
As a teenager I spent 6 years of my life as a single male in a class of 25 women.
Being a young man with 0 social intelligence, I was immediately presented with two choices:
Learn as fast as you can how social interactions work and how males and females differ in behaviours and thinking.
Go through high school clueslessly.
Little did I know, I opted for choice #2.
I was the king of female friendship.At age 23 something switched though, and I became obsessed with learning anything I could about the masculine and the feminine, body language, psychology and yes, how to talk to women.
I believe one of the greatest powers you can learn in this life is how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see (and feel) the world from their perspective: we live in a world where people still listen to know what to answer rather than to know what you meant.
The following are a list of books, resources and products that will hugely impact your life and help you to grow as an individual, lover and partner if applied properly and will narrow the gap between you and the next human being you will interact with:
Come as you are: this book was advised to me from a woman on Tinder. It opened up a world on how females think about sexuality and the things that trigger them both positively and negatively. Either you are a man or a woman you should read (or gift) this book.
Men come from Mars and Women come from Venus: this book is not focused on sex itself but rather on understanding the opposite sex. It goes very deep: the first time I opened this book on a random page I found a paragraph describing a situation I often encounter with my partner → she tells me how she feels just to express how she feels and my immediate reaction is to try to solve her problem. I’m learning to just listen without the need to be the problem solver.
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: this book sits on my top 10 of all time favourite books → it’s about the masculine energy, its archetypes (the ones in the title) and the corresponding shadows. It’s based on the studies of Carl Jung and to be a less than a 100 pages books it covers any stage of development of the masculine, the way to access the archetypes and how to get out of the shadows with clear examples on how the shadows and archetypes presents themselves through history and society. Priceless read for both men and women.
Women’s Anatomy of Arousal: another precious book about female sexuality and how women genitalia works. The book is comprehensive of everything you need to know about the female body and it approaches anything from squirting to multiple orgasms, facilitating a better approach to discover your body or familiarise with your partner’s body. On top of many friends I advised this book to, I know women that they learn something new about their body through this book’s information.
Anna’s Wild Yam Cream: I found out about this cream thanks to Barbara O’Neill talking about it → the cream, derived from a natural ingredient, helps the body to produce progesterone (the happy hormone) and rebalance estrogen and testosterone levels (there is a cream for women and one for men). The cream helps with hormone imbalance → Most women using the contraceptive pill will suffer the effect of hormone imbalance growing older, even decades after stopping taking it.
Yoni Pleasure Palace: We went to the physical location in Perth and you should have seen my girlfriend face.
The shop (online and physical) offer a wide range of items to explore and connect with your body and your sexuality as a solo journey or with a partner → from yoni eggs (crystal made eggs to strengthen the pelvic floor → you can find a wide range of stones to choose from) to squirting blankets and crystal and glass wands, like a PG version of Harry Potter. Same magic, different movie.
OMG YES: and this, ladies and gents, I think is the most genius idea around the sphere of sexuality condensed into an (interactive) website → more than 1 MILLION PEOPLE joined this. The website offers interactive video lessons taught by different women of different age and ethnic background explaining and demonstrating (sexual) techniques on their own body. The course covers any topic you can think of, it is led in a very professional and intimate way (do not expect a porn in disguise) and it can be sent as a present at anyone’s email → A present like this will turn so many people’s lives around, like a meditation subscription with a plot twist, and if it’s for your lover or partner, it sends a message.
Try to replace it to Netflix and chill.
You are welcome.
At the time of writing this there are 3 seasons you can purchase and access to → The Essentials, Inner Pleasure and Toy Techniques.Each season is around 30$. Invaluable.
The few pieces of advice I hope you can walk away from this edition with are:
Be kind → Leave people better than you find them and think win win. You might think ‘dah’ but as a man I grew out of being self focused and I started really listening to women’s experiences and there are a lot of self focused relationships that stem from traumas and not having had strong role models.
This applies both ways, not only to men → women biggest fear is to be killed by a man, men biggest fear is to be laughed at by a woman.Be patient → Women’s arousal is like a volume knob while men’s arousal is like a light switch.
Be open and proactive when it comes to communication → In the years of ‘figuring out’ and dating left and right I found myself (and I heard from the men and women I was confronting with) in situations where sex was ‘meh’ or even unpleasant because we are not all the same and some things that might trigger you might be suppressing the libido of someone else.
Also, don’t assume: I met a women that closed off by being touched on the neck because of an assault and one the could not be touched on the lower back because she went through chemotherapy at a young age. I would have never known that unless I asked.
If you end up reading or trying any of the resources listed above, let me know your experience at [email protected]
Someone used ChatGPT-4v to decode redacted government UFO document: this is huge. Governments and companies around the world are already scared of quantum computing to access private information. This will definitely set a precedent and force everybody interested to be more cautious of what they give access to.
To all my creative friends out there, Adobe just launched a new TOOL you can edit photos lik
e never before → change the background, clothing and subject of your photos in one click.
ChatGPT now allows you to create images with DALL-E integration and you can now TALK directly it.
My first 10 seconds attempt
One one side I think GREAT, I can create anything I ever dreamt of without middleman and 1/100th of the cost and time investment.
On the other side my Orwellian brain is thinking that all these companies are storing data: first your conversations, then your fingerprints, then your retina and now your voice.
Snowden is shaking his head.Where do you stand?
Will things go dystopic very fast OR the benefits outweighs the disadvantages? → Let me know what you think at [email protected]
If you enjoyed this edition of Panacea (and if you know someone that might benefit from reading it) consider sharing it with someone you like.
It will help me grow and create better content.
Have a great day and talk next week,