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Deconstructing Generational Health

Health is the ultimate inheritance

In 1936 Weston Price had an idea.

He was a Dentist himself, but he believed Dentists should not exist because, in his opinion, tooth decay was not something natural to happen to people.

With the purpose to show the world proofs of his belief, he embarked on a long journey around the globe, visiting the most isolated ancient tribes and villages that stood true to their old traditions and diets and did not get in contact with the ‘modern’ world or adapted to its ‘diet’.

What he found out shocked him beyond any expectations: through any of these people, from high up in the Swiss mountains to the most desolated Polynesia island, to Eskimos and Australian Aboriginal people, what he found was an extremely low or non existent rate of decays at any given age, perfect faces, symmetric cheekbones, immaculate dental structures with wide mouth, wide nostrils, round faces and women giving birth naturally with no issues.

They had different diets depending on their location, but all the food was a mix of clean meat and fish, fresh milk, home made cheese and dark bread (Switzerland) fruit and vegetables (although not all of them consumed fruit and vegetables, Eskimos for example).

Then he met the same people, but this time from tribes that did get in contact with modern civilisations and its food: within the first generation kids and adults experienced a rate of decays as high as 70%+, cognitive problems, the facial bone structure and the pelvic area in women changed, resulting in troubles breathing from the nose, the need to remove wisdom teeth, elongated faces, smaller nostrils, asymmetric cheek bones and a high rate of disease (tuberculosis was the most frequent one) triggered by something as simple as a change of diet.

In many of those villages some people started committing suicide because of the unbearable pain and the absence of a dentist in communities that never had a need for it and which it was difficult to travel to.

The main culprits? Sugars and flours. Basically the base of any processed food at the time.

The Secret Knowledge LOST In Time

The thing I find the most interesting is that, among any of these ancient civilisation (which never got in contact with each other) it was common practice to adapt to a strict diet for both the men and the women, for at least 6 months before the day of conception to increase the chances of the newborn/s to be as healthy as possible.

And this is a thing people today forgot (or neglect because life got too fast too quickly).

The result is that all the toxicity accumulated until the moment of conception is often transferred to the embryo, from both the mother and the father.

From dad through semen and from mum through the placenta first and the milk after, because of this, blood levels of some pollutants in women may drop nearly half through pregnancy and first born kids get the highest levels of toxic load from the mum compared to their younger siblings.

Also, recent studies now show that miscarriage in women is provoked by men’s poor health too.

This is why I talk about Generational Health so much.

You might have come from a family that did not have the knowledge or the resources to consume healthy nutritional meals and stick to good habits and you might have picked from them when you were a kid, but once you grow up, you are left with the choice to learn better, and change for the better.

That’s how I grew up and because of that in the last years I became obsessed with childcare education, nutrition and biohacking to create a system that anybody can apply to their life and create the foundations for generational health, to transform your life and the one of the people you love.

Today is the last day I offer this at a discounted price.