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  • Neglecting Sleep? READ this

Neglecting Sleep? READ this

Why Sleep Is Your Superpower (and What Happens Without It)



Welcome back to another release of this newsletter.

As you saw, there are some changes. I’m cleaning the air, refurnishing the space and experimenting a little to understand the right balance to cut through the noise.

The perks? I get to create something better and you get to read something exciting that leaves you with some practical nuggets.

There are plenty of tedious moments out there.
Let’s not make this space one of them.

Things I don’t make trades off on

This either makes or breaks people, it only takes few decades for people to start realising: SLEEP

I have been binging many books about sleep realising I have done life wrong for almost 3 decades, one of which I worked as a chef, which meant going to bed late and wake up quite early (6/7 hours sleep).

Well, here some nuggets for you:

  • You need 8 hours sleep average. People that sleep less are more prone to cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders (watching tv/blue lights at night consistently is the worst thing you can do).

    Margaret Tatcher and Ronald Reagan were famous for sleeping very little (4 hours the former, very little the latter, although he was taking naps).
    The Tatcher later developed dementia while Reagan developed Alzheimer's disease.

    There is something in the brain called glymphatic system. Here there are glial cells that when you sleep, reduce their size of 80% so toxicity can flow out of your brain. If you don’t sleep toxicity stays in. The brain/body does not heal. Estrogens are not being balanced (women especially get the worst effects from neglecting this).
    If you stay up most nights or you work late night shifts, this is for you.

  • When clocks move forward in spring (losing one hour of sleep), studies show a 24% increase in heart attacks the following day. Conversely, when clocks move back in autumn (gaining one hour of sleep), there is a 21% decrease in heart attacks the next day.

  • Maintain 60-67°F (15-19°C) in the bedroom (there are studies with people suffering from insomnia falling asleep as soon as the room reached a low temperature so, keep it cool).

Books I’m reading

Softwars: either you are a seasoned Bitcoin miner or a ‘normie’, this book will open your mind on the greatest software of our time disguised as a digital currency (from the analysis of a MIT Major). The reason why the book costs like a Taylor Swift first row ticket is because as soon as the first prints were released, MIT made pressures to Major Jason P Lowery to not talk about the topic again. So if you’d rather read it online, check it HERE

How Not To Die: I find this book fascinating. It’s full of double blind studies on the impacts on diet on your health (and body).

Norse Mythology: after reading, and being sucked in, by the original transcriptions of Snorri Sturluson, this was a must. Neil Gayman is beyond storytelling, he gives life to his characters.

What I’m watching

This is the most compelling documentary I watched after BBC Planet Earth and Samsara: Imagine Humans of New York turned into a global scale documentary: HUMANS

Music I’m listening to

This is my favourite song from Ludovico Einaudi → Petricor
The world etymology is a mix of petra (stone) and ichor (which was believed to be the blood of the gods) and is the latin word for rain.

Tools I’m using

After a decade wearing kitchen shoes and two decades wearing ‘normal’ shoes squeezing my toes together and changing their alignment, I bought these toes spacers to help me realign my toes. After one year of wearing these and barefoot shoes, I am the living proof that this thing works wonders.

Quote that stuck

Your children are not your children.
     They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
     They come through you but not from you,
     And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

Kahlil Gibran

Have a wonderful day. Talk soon,