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- New Years Resolution
New Years Resolution
This Will Set A New Standard
Much has happened in the recent months.
If you are still reading this newsletter, thank you and, I love you.
I come with an apology for MIA and a story.
Long story short, I spent the last few months crossing countries in Europe with my brand new Australian passport, 3 month in small Spanish town close to Sevilla called Algodonales (thanks to trustedhousesitters) and on my way back to Italy my ex and I decided to take a break, like Rachel and Ross from Friends.
I am currently writing this from a housesit in Marche (central italy) experiencing my first ‘real’ winter in 10 years. There is no snow yet but the chill and thick as a brick kinda fog are enough. Luckily I had some warm clothing at home.
My only focus right now is building a business I can help others with, so being home is a blessing because it gives me enough time to do everything I want.
I am currently helping a family getting healthier through habits and food and it’s quite eye opening how small changes make such a big impact.
My mum has been experiencing some stomach pains in the last years.
Much has been done since my parents started listening to the things I was learning and applying to my clients (yes, they have been my guinea pigs) but till last week she didn’t know what she was reacting to (dairy, like I suggested to her) but like I told her, you shouldn’t wait to be thirsty to dig a well or for the house to be on fire to realise there is smoke.
When I was a kid I was treated with sugar multiple times a day. I soon learnt that I could get my way with tantrums (not a great dynamic I know).
Although my mum was a nurse and she was very passionate about homeopathy, natural herbs and she practiced home cooking every day, she did not have a deep understanding of nutrition. And how could I blame her? When she grew up all the references were books, the school curriculum and glorified drug dealers. Word of mouth was the most potent mean of communication.
I want to make clear this is not a statement against doctors but against the current medical system, more often focused on maintaining a customer rather than healing a patient.
If you go deep down the rabbit hole today you are labelled a conspiracy theorist (imagine in the ‘80s/’90s) but today we have the internet, Amazon and digital libraries and we have access to more content we could possibly consume in many life times.
You have no excuses to build a healthy, fit and thriving body today.
Sure, you can say I do not have the time. I get bored quickly. I don’t know how to cook. I cannot give up xyz.
Everything works in small increments. That is the same reason why people that build up wealth over decade are likely to stay wealthy. People that win the lotto go through all their money within few years and then get depressed.
You have to build the foundation for your new reality to set in. A 1% increment every week.
This is what I have been teaching my clients
(and what you will get too)
How to lose weight, get fit and look healthy in 4 weeks without having to rely on supplements, crazy unsustainable diets and spend a lot of money.
The 1% increments broken down:
Live According to your Body Type
Foods, products and practices to stay away from at all cost
Cooking practices and healthy recipes from a decade as a Chef
Grocery shopping: Each week I help you to navigate through your shopping through a video call to satisfy your body needs in the healthiest way possible
Food is information: what to eat and when to eat it to (re)gain optimal health
Water absorption
Blood sugar and glycemic index (aka more energy)
Sleep (aka more time)
Cardiovascular Health
Biohacking principles
Breathwork and meditation