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  • How Parasites Are Secretly Ruining Your Focus and Emotional Balance

How Parasites Are Secretly Ruining Your Focus and Emotional Balance

Your Ultimate Guide to Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Parasitic Infections

(Just for this time)

Welcome back to Panacea, the newsletter that makes you smarter about health and prepares you for the future in 1/10 of the time, like that Hermione’s time turner.

So you can enjoy a strong and healthy body till your 60’s/70’s/80’s+ and do summersaults while other are reminiscing on the good ol’ times.


  • Cleanse the invisible - Parasites 101 (and other toxic relationships)

  • Dysbiosis: what is it and how to recognise it

  • What parasites do?

  • Where do you get parasites from?

  • Parasites Pokedex: Gonna know ‘em all

  • How to test

  • The signs

  • People more at risk

  • How to get rid of them

  • How to lower Ammonia in the body

  • 2 AI News

This release of Panacea is like an ‘all you can eat’ ticket to the Universal Studios: just because you can eat all you want does not mean you should (talking from experience here, never again).

It’s gonna be longer than usual because to provide you with one piece of information without the context to it is like giving you a recipe book with missing pages. You will figure out how to bake a cake eventually, but no kitchen deserves that kind of energy and frustration.

NOTE: The following comes from the studies and clinical experience of Dr Charlie Fagenholz. I will always do my best to provide you with the best knowledge to improve your health and human experience and although I’m extremely confident on my body’s ability to heal, I am not a doctor and I would use this knowledge on the side of a consultation with an holistic doctor.

That said, let’s dive in

Today we are talking about something intrusive, hideous so overlooked that only a 35 years old child living under your roof at your expenses or still asking to be sent money would match.


I’ve been recently exploring the topic of parasites and I learnt that ~90% of doctor’s patients are unaware of parasite sub renting their body.

A lease breach won’t do because these creatures lay thousands of eggs inside of us as an insurance to survival.

You kick 1 out, 999 are still hiding in the attic, ready to strike when you fall asleep.

Let’s start with DYSBIOSIS
(an imbalance or disruption in the natural community of microorganisms that live in our gut or on other parts of our bodies aka: the good flora is off)

That could be because of yeast, bacteria, toxins, viruses, parasites, all of the above, but we will start with parasites.

Dr Charlie believes that every organ has its own flora
Remember the body has 3 brains (brain, heart, guts) and if you don’t have a healthy flora in your digestive tract, you're not absorbing or digesting nutrients to repair, rebuild and function → everything else will go mayhem.

What parasites do?

  • They feed off a host (you) breaking down the host from the inside

  • They harbor all other toxins, especially Lyme and Lyme co-infections (they allow Lyme to live inside of them, the subrenting saga deepens)

  • They imbalance your immune system: in your immune system there are few different immune pathways, the main two are TH1 and TH2

    If we have parasites, the body is gonna favour TH2.

    BUT you want TH1 and TH2 to be balanced:
     if TH2 is high,TH1 is low.

    With the current imbalance,
    you can’t fight off viruses.

    When you are sick you can't fight off bacteria, you can't fight off yeast AND when we get into TH2 dominant state, allergies go nuts because TH2 is where histamine lives.

Histamine is a chemical in your body that plays a key role in allergic reactions, causing symptoms like itching and sneezing. It also helps with digestion and acts as a signal in the brain. It's involved in various functions like sleep and alertness.

With your barriers down, you can’t fight off Epstein barr, candida, sibo, Lyme and many more nasties.

This is how I imagined parasites growing stronger with heavy metals

Parasites use heavy metals to build biofilms: biofilm is a protection and to the immune system is like Harry Potter and Frodo cloak of invisibility: parasites and pathogens will hide behind them to hide from your immune system.

Whenever there's a chronic infection, start looking for biofilm in your body: plaque is the biofilm of teeth: bleeding gumsyour body is taking all your antioxidants to try to fight off inflammation and now you don't have bioflavonoids to rebuild healthy gum lining and healthy gums.

When parasites get stressed or active,
they will offshoot viruses

This is how parasite reproduce: they will secrete chemicals that constipate youso that you cannot eliminate them and they can reproduce.

Large parasites like the worms constipation.

Smaller parasites like the protozoa/flukesdiarrhea.

The area affected in the body during this is called Ileocecal valve:

It connects your large and small intestine and the main thing that makes that valve dysfunction is parasites.

It stays closed → constipated.
It goes open → diarrhea.

Where do you get PARASITES from?

  • Your MUM: No, there won’t be a punchline. The first place is the utero from mom. In Chinese medicine they say treat the mom for the family to get well because mom passes it on oftentimes.

  • Food: Anything from sushi, the butcher's knife (yaikes, but seriously  cook the outskirts of the muscle so that you kill off those bacteria and those parasites)

  • And for my vego friends: fruits and vegetables (trees and soil, you know). Cilantro and lettuce are some big collectors (and I love both of them).

  • Pets: We have been doing housesitting for the last 3 months and the amount of people that allow their dogs sleeping with them in bed blew my mind → two things to check: your pets’ saliva and your partner saliva.

  • Travelling abroad: smoothies in thailand with local sink water? no thank you. Same goes for open mouth showers.

  • Swimming pools: think about it for a second. Public swimming pools hosts a lot of kids → people not showering before entering the pool → skin and motion (and stealth pee) → a nasty broth.


Plenty of parasites out there, each one with a purpose and a different behavior. Gotta catch ‘em all won’t work here because we are aiming for the opposite:

  • Tapeworms

  • Trematodes aka flukes

  • Round worms aka nematodes (the ones that harbor all the toxins)

  • Protozoa

  • Sporozoa

  • Rope worms

  • Protozoa/Blastocystis (Giardia is the most common → leads to chronic diarrhea)

  • Sporozoa: malaria, toxoplasma (cats), babesia (a co-infection of Lyme).

Worms lay eggs → Tape worms can lay up to 200.000 eggs a day


Time to shed some light

  • Stool samples: but they will miss the eggs and if you do have parasites, you will think the house is fine and stop investigating. If you choose this, do it over a three day span → you'll be more likely to catch parasites.

  • Blood test: much more accurate

  • Hair Sample: will able to tell you EMF exposure, heavy metals, what nutrients I was depleted in, you know, what's the main toxins and parasites.

    Frequency Medicine

The perception of any practice that does not fall under Western Medicine

This is how it works: find a doctor that does this. It will present you with vials that contains the resonant frequency of the parasite , homeopathically charged of all the different spectrum of that type of parasite.

When applied to certain meridian points in organs and muscle they will get a reaction → When tested for strength, whether you can hold or not will indicate the absence or presence of parasites.

It will pick up three to 5% dysfunction where a blood test may take 40% dysfunction → focusing on the lower percentage allows you to really understand what’s going on and be proactive (prevent) rather then reactive (heal after).

  • Testing is NOT as sensitive, it will not tell you what is a priority

  • Frequency testing tells you what to work on first


Your body is a map, remember?

  • Fingernails: if they present pinholes in them (nail pitting) that’s a sign of parasites

  • Sclera (the whites of the eyes): your body is a map and the nerves of your eyes directly connect to your brain → the intestines are on the lower part of the sclera: TO CHECK peel your eye down and you look on the bottom part → if the blood vessels that are very torturous that is a sign that there are parasites

  • Eosinophils levels: 1 and 2 are ok. 3 is borderline. 4 to 8 means parasites

  • Monocytes: 5 or greater means there is a parasite attached to it

  • Anemia (not enough iron to carry your oxygen → pale skin, dark bags under your eyes): because you have no oxygen, anemia will cause fatigue

  • Seizures/Epilepsy: one of the neurotoxins that parasites emit is ammonia → ammonia creates brain fog → ammonia depletes your gaba (a brain neural transmitter that gives you restful sleep, gets you out of chronic thinking - a thousand thoughts a minute - and it gives you your concentration)

  • Toxoplasma is the one that has been linked to epilepsy and schistosoma, aka blood flukes → they have been shown to create tumors in the body to hold it from not spreading. And a lot of times that's in the brain → it short circuits the brain, which can cause seizures.

  • Teeth grinding: think parasites because it's low gaba which is coming from the excess ammonia. WHY? → when you open your mouth there is a spot between your jaw and your ear where the small intestine meridian ends. It’s called small intestine 19 listening palace → anything that affects the small intestine affects the meridian (the meridian runs from your pinky all the way up your arm, back towards your scapula up and then right into your jaw)

  • More ACTIVE during FULL MOON: around the full moon your melatonin drops and your serotonin goes up. Parasites have a lot of receptors for serotonin within four or five days of the full moon, as it's starting to get full, you will start getting symptoms
    To TEACHERS and PARENTS: if kids start acing differently around the full moon (they can't concentrate, they can't sit still) that's parasites → parasites change the way your brain functions, the way you act and your personality

  • Bedwetting: parasites will change the electronic frequency of your system, generate EMF and change the way your organs function

  • Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis: hives is → histamine response (TH2 goes up, TH1 goes down → histamine response)

  • Yeast and candida: parasites eat your good bacteria, which then allows yeast and candida to thrive.

  • Low blood sugar: strongyloides (roundworm) is associated with low blood sugar: blood sugar goes low your liver goes into shock (because it's the biggest regulator of blood sugar, more than your pancreas and adrenals) → the liver is stressedheadaches, especially migraines

  • Anxiety and depressionyour mood mimics your blood sugar: Parasites (strongyloides and round worms) drop your blood sugar → you get anxious then you get depressed. By changing the way that the body's being affected also changes your mood, blood sugar and your neurotransmitters

  •  Itchy butt, itchy nose and itchy genitals: check for parasites.

  •  You can't gain weight or you can't lose weight: some parasites eat you food, others constipate you → can't eliminate toxins → you will gain weight (toxins build fat because toxins live in your fat cells)

  • Allergies: Parasites bring up your TH2 and then what happens is food allergies too → Most common allergy: dairy


  • People who have low stomach acid: (#1 defence against Parasites)
    genetically, A and AB blood type will lose their stomach acid faster over time → STRESS lowers stomach acid
    HOW TO PREVENT IT → SPORES: Megaspore and spore biotic

(with nature)

  • Morinda Supreme: noni berry (a really broad spectrum gentle herb that does a lot of good and it's well tolerated by most people)

  • Spore biotic

  • Digestive enzyme

  • Antimicrobial

  • Grapefruit seed extract drops: to soak your fruit and veggies with

  • Detox regularly

  • Black Walnut & Artemisia (Sweet Wormwood): two most classic anti-parasitics of all time, one pill for every 50 pounds of body weight

  • Melia Supreme (neem, I currently use this one)

  • Mimosa Supreme

  • Vidanga Supreme

  • Olive leaf: the most underutilized herb in the infection world of any because it literally does all of them

If you have kids: monitor their bowel movements. If it becomes loose and runny, it could be the herbs too strong, not the right herb or too high dose.

If you are pregnant:

  1. Vital Guard Supreme

  2. Scutellaria Supreme

  3. Reishi Supreme

  4. Rosemary Supreme

If you are breastfeeding:
Monitor the kid’s bowel movement: diarrhoea → the dose is too strong

  1. Morinda

  2. Manjista: a very potent anti-inflammatory that gets the lymphatic system moving

  3. Schisandra Supreme: works on glutathione and works on your liver pathways and your stress hormone

  4. KL support: kidney liver support

  5. Tudca: helps the bile release


  • Biotoxin Binder from cell core

  • Yucca root: a great ammonia binder

  • VerVita Inspiracell

  • Biotoxin binder

  • REMOVE iron containing food (meat) for about a week while we go after the parasite → parasites feed off iron

  • DETOX regularly → once every season

If you read all the way through here I salute you. The length of this mail is a una tantum. Once. Never again. Because your span of attention and my eyes have been suffering from it and to write lengthy essays goes against the purpose of this newsletter → to provide you with the most practical knowledge in the least time possible.

I wanted to create something you can go back to anytime you need to cleanse your body from parasites and here it is.
Online, eternal and shareable: on that note, if you know someone that might favour from this knowledge, forward it to them.

I know they will appreciate better sleep, less teeth grinding, mood swings and scratching.

Thank you for your time investment, I don’t give it for granted.
Let me know what was your favourite part in this email and what I can do better.

Have a great weekend,



  • Amazon is launching Amazon One: If you grow up with minority report and blade runner you will have mixed feelings about this one.

    Amazon one is a system that through a combination of AI, biometrics and optical engineering allows you to pay with the palm of your hand. Yes, they can detect a fake hand from a real one (and which one is your hand). The palm is connected to your amazon card and voilà. 500+ whole food markets will be tested soon. Knock knock. The future is here.

  • Meta has released a multilingual speech translation model → SeamlessM4T and it can translate almost 100 languages, both with speech to speech and text to speech. My parents will finally be able to travel abroad AND communicate to locals.

And to quote Jim Morrison, this is (really) the end.
For this week.