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  • The RECIPE for a Happy Life

The RECIPE for a Happy Life


It has been a minute.

TLDR - In the last few months I have been through the (closure) of a journey of a lifetime. I left Australia with a one way ticket after 14 years living there.

Coming back to Europe felt like Back to the future Vol II where Martin McFly comes back to his childhood city discovering that is now run by mayhem and criminality.

I am writing this from a Paris vegan cafe called Wild & the Moon, but how did I get here?

I’m glad you wondered!
It started in Perth, where I left from on the 3rd of june after spending 5 months hosted by a friend for free (in exchange of cooking for her). I had to wait there for my citizenship and Australian passport while I was working part time as a chef, childcare educator and on my business.

I landed in Copenhagen on the 4th and met with my girlfriend again after 5 months apart, drove towards Amsterdam, where we stayed to 5 days hosted by a good friend in the city centre.

The city itself was outstanding, we tried more food in 4 days than I did in a month in Perth and I got to spend some time with my friend.

Now we are in Paris for two days before we head to Geneva, where we will stop in for 11 days, doing a housesit in a beautiful location (there will be drone videos coming your way).

This month marks 18 months rent free. I’m currently 36 and openly criticised by my parents for prioritising business and travelling over stability. It just doesn’t feel right for me, yet. I don’t see the point in stopping somewhere, get a mortgage and children and trade the time you could spend home, outdoor and with the loved ones to fuel that lifestyle.

HOW you ask? Good friends hosting me, couchsurfing and lots of housesitting.

The priority is then a business that allows me to help others and earn more while working less, so I can do all those things while not having to sell my soul. I did that, it didn’t end up well: I talk about it HERE.

I’m free from debt, healthy, fit, I don’t have children, pets, I don’t own a car, an electric trolley and a SMART watch. I currently own 8x more books than clothing.

All my energy and attention is focused on creating resources where people can learn everything we were not taught in school, the things that when applied into your life will get you a step closer to freedom: not only financial freedom, but also freedom to think for yourself, freedom in your body so you can stop depending on external helps to get back to health or thrive, and freedom to do what you want in life by tapping into the loopholes that hide in plain sight.


  • A pound less of pollutants/ A pinch more of pattern recognition: One day in 1929 a Wall Street trader by the name of Jesse Livermore came back home to a family that welcomed him in tears. The biggest crash in known financial history just happened and Jesse seemed clueless to the news.

    To the family surprise Jesse shorted the market just few days before the crash, making a fortune in a single move (around $100 million, $1.5 billions of today’s money).

    When asked how and why, Jesse said he felt a crash was coming.

    A decade ago an ex girlfriend told me the story of a trip she took to Perù. Once there she had a trip to the jungle and when the sun set, on the way back, the guide stopped her all in a sudden claiming that few metres away there was a tarantula. Being in complete darkness she was skeptic of the guide being right, until he switched on the torch, revealing a big tarantula spider few metres away. When she asked how did he do it, he said he could smell the scent. Having grown in the jungle, he was able to recognise subtle smells and noises someone inexperienced would be clueless about.

    Today most of us are incapable to feel our own body: when we eat, if the food is nurturing us or just filling our stomach, when we are about to get sick, the energy of the people around us and so on.

    The two main reasons are distractions (eating while looking at a screen for example) and pollutants (most people’s bodies and brains are so full of toxins and heavy metals they are not able to feel anymore).

    Imagine it takes 20 minutes for food (ideally some nutrients dense real food) to be registered and for a signal to go from your stomach to your brain, communicating it is satisfied and the building blocks to get you thriving through the day have been collected → that’s the opposite of fast food.

    Eat real food, slowly, in stillness. And stop way before you are full. None of your main meals should be mixed with coffe, sugary drinks, alcohol, dessert or fruit.

    Try for 1 month, see the difference.

By the way, intuition is like a swiss knife, it will be helpful in many situation, not just with food but also with choices related to work, people, life decisions.

Regarding pollutants, unfortunately our lifestyle exposes us to any kind of chemicals and materials that get absorbed by the body and brain, slowing us down (cognitively too) and mutating our DNA on the long run. You should cleanse every season to get you up and running again.

When you shake someone hand, you get a feeling. That’s the chemicals in your sweat and the person you shake hands with mixing, reaching your brain and being interpreted with an electric signal into a feeling in 0.5 seconds. That is, if you are in tune with your body. Without a clean body and brain, no superpowers.

  • Create your path of least resistance: Most people can’t cook. Fair enough. Some of us wanted to be Doctors, Engineers, Entrepreneurs and Film Makers. I know people that that can’t cook for their lives or hold a knife at all. Understand that the kitchen is the most important room in your house, unless you already have the finances to pay a chef to cook healthy for you (because your noodles in a cup or take away won’t work well in the long run).

    So make sure you get a house with a good spacious kitchen that MAKES YOU WANT to cook, buy a good knife (and learn how to use it) a good pan and some tools to experiment, get yourself a recipe book and practice few hours a week.

    Stop buying processed food. At all.

    Once you get past the pain period and to some conscious competence it will become easy, and tasty.

Implement this habit and in a decade you will remove yourself from being a number in a huge statistic. Because your health is mostly determined by what you eat and introduce into your body, then by genetics. Not the opposite. More on this soon.

  • A sprinkle of intuition:

    95% of your serotonin is produced in the guts.
    That’s why the guts are referred as a second brain, the gut feeling. You introduce bad food, the serotonin will be off, resulting in all kind of imbalances, including emotional and cognitive.

    Learn to nurture your body. It will fix everything in and out of yourself.

From next week I will get some degree of stability again. So expect these to become more consistent, shorter and more satisfying, like a sauce you reduce until it’s thick.

Have a great week and talk soon.

Now I’m going to explore Paris (and find myself a good bakery). Once in Paris.