The Game of Health

You Can Switch Player at Any Time


Today I want to try to define (with your help) what health really means.

And I want to do it with an interactive game (it will take just 10 seconds to put your vote, right at the end of this publication).

On today’s Menu:

  • Choose your Player

  • What is Health?

  • The Epidemic Nobody is talking about

  • What is happening inside U.S.A Congress this week

  • Cast your Vote

    Read Time: 3 mins 47 sec

This might offend someone, but it’s just the world we are manifesting and the society we chose today, with no shame or shaming. If you stop buying certain things, the companies producing them will disappear. Be the change you want to see in the world.

At the polar opposite you have two extremes you don’t want to find yourself in:

  • On the left you have Brian “I will not age, I will optimize” Johnson taking around 100 pills daily plus other treatments for a cost of $2 million/year

  • On the right you are looking at Manuel Uribe, who was one of the heaviest recorded people in history, reaching 1,316 lbs (597 kg).

Health and sickness are the compounding interest of daily habits and if the one on the right looks like a terrible scenario to find yourself in, I realise the little control we have growing up, since as a kid you tend to mimic the habits of your parents, role models, your peers and environment and things you are exposed to daily without knowing, with no clue of where any of these lessons and influences might lead you.

BUT I wouldn’t want to find myself in Brian’s position either, because it looks more like obsession than health with a pinch of fear of accepting the inevitable with a business twist (although the fact that he is testing the effects of his experiments ‘first hand’ rather than using other people for it is admirable).

What is Health to you?

If you had the chance to ask this question in different countries, to different genders and through different times though history, you would get completely different answers.

Is there an answer that fit all? In my opinion the goal is a thriving body, free of sickness, that is capable to take you from your first breath to your last one without too much hassle and the need of constant medication.

You will age, you might say. Well, in the last century our lifespan increased (thank you science) but our functional years decreased → the years in which we are still able to walk a mile without help, run few hundred metres, remember things properly and accomplish basic functions on our own.

You know who it is to blame… US.

How We Accepted the Epidemic

Each human on this planet strives for pleasure and comfort and runs from pain and discomfort.

This is how we are wired. So life, to shift from miserable to average to great, should be a constant work to rewire this automatic responses.

Now imagine most of the marketing out there gets it: they figured out exactly how each one of our impulses work to the point they are able to back engineer them and create advertising first followed by a product or service for each one of your newly induced desires.

It just takes one generation to teach the next one how this game is played, and how to get out of it, to break the chain.



Health Impact


Industrialised White Flour

Blood sugar spikes & gut issues


Sugar & Soda Boom

Obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders


Cigarette Revolution

Cancer & heart disease


Mass Adoption of Seed Oils

Inflammation & heart disease


Processed & Canned Food Rise

Hypertension & obesity


Cosmetic & Skincare Boom

Cancer & infertility


Artificial Additives Invasion

Hyperactivity, allergies, & neurotoxicity


Fast Food Explosion

Diabetes & heart disease


High-Fructose Corn Syrup Takeover

Fatty liver, obesity, & insulin resistance


Trans Fats & Packaged Snacks

Heart disease & inflammation


Electromagnetic Device Surge

Sleep disruption, oxidative stress, & neuro risks


Energy Drinks & Sugar-Laden Coffee

Heart strain & adrenal fatigue


Synthetic Clothing & Microplastics

Endocrine disruptors & carcinogens


Ultra-Processed "Health Foods"

Gut damage & inflammation


AirPods & Bluetooth Risks

Neurological & cancer concerns


AI-Engineered Junk Food

Stronger cravings & metabolic disease

It takes one generation to collectively waking up to what has been perpetrated, as today, knowingly, by the people ruling us, and from us accepting it.

So my Question to you is…

If you could choose just one thing to hack and improve with your health, what would you wish for?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

What I’m watching

I’m not interested in Politics. I would rather read War and Peace in braille than following politics news, but this is ‘large popcorn binge worthy’ and hopefully will bring some positive change.

Yesterday the Congressional Hearing from RFK has been streaming live HERE and according to some major broadcasting channels Robert has been ‘grilled’ by some of the Senators (the same Senators receiving millions of $ from Pharma companies, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders being some of the major beneficiaries.)

So if you are not keen to go through 3 hours of ‘grilling’ (which is also bad for your health) you can watch these snippets HERE.

Before you go

I’m launching a Masterclass on one health related problem and I will start with the one YOU choose, between losing weight/put up muscles, increase testosterone and fertility levels and optimise sleep.

In health like in life everything is connected to everything else and I will eventually cover many pillars but I want to start with what you really care about.

So if you didn’t do it yet, scroll up and vote.

The masterclass will start from the 3rd of February and will continue in cycles of 4 weeks with a 1 hour live meeting each week.

If you want to Sculpt Lean Muscle and Burn Fat in 4 Weeks,
here’s the LINK

Have a wonderful day. Talk soon,